Thursday, March 09, 2006

An olive branch

So, Owen is slowly coming around to accepting the reality of his new family structure. He hasn't done anything as dramatic as, say, touch his sister (let alone hold her), but we're getting there.

Example A) Abby cries, and Owen goes and finds her a soother. He puts it in her hand, which is about as helpful as dropping it down her pants, but still.

Example B) Abby cries, and Owen leans over her and says, "it's OK, Abby." In international politics, this would be called an attempt to "normalize relations."

Example C) It's storytime for the boy, and Sue points out that Abby needs to be fed. She says she can read Owen his bedtime stories after the feeding, or he can bring his books to our bed, and she can read while feeding. He opts for the latter option, which is significant because Owen has turned up his nose at the whole notion of breastfeeding. Sue would get fewer dirty looks trying it in the middle of a church service than she does at home these days.

Anyway, Sue called me at work to note this latest breakthrough. She asked Owen if he wanted to say goodnight to Daddy.

"Goodnight Daddy," he says, though he is distracted because he is plotting to bring more "stuff," which is to say stuffed animals, onto the bed prior to the book reading.

"I love you," I say.

"Oh," Owen says, and I can hear him getting down from the bed. Then he comes back on the phone. "I love you too, Daddy."


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