Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Things we learned on holiday

1. You cannot fool a four-year-old into thinking the food that is served in the Third World is quite the same as the food back home. Give the kid a glass of milk, he notices it is not exactly white in colour. More like eggshell. "It tastes funny," he says, having not actually tasted it. You are inclined to agree.
2. The above rule does not apply to breadsticks and french fries, which formed the basis of Owen's vacation diet. Good times.
3. There is no such thing as waterproof sunscreen.
4. Europeans really do prefer Speedos. God help us.
5. The Santana Beach Resort appears to have a music playlist of about 10 songs. Owen recognized all of them by the end of the trip.
6. Further to that point, it remains the last place on Earth where "Who let the dogs out?" is considered a current hit.

Unrelated to the things we learned, here is Abby by the pool. Note she tries out a dance move about halfway through.



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