Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Appearances are deceiving

You will note, as these pictures show, that Abby (in the red) looks a lot like Owen did at about the same point in his young life. The pic of wee Owen was actually taken at about five months, so he's a bit further along than wee Abby is now. But still. Pretty similar.

That's about where the similarities end. I wanted to find a picture of Owen with a big smile to compare with this new one of Abby, but it was hard to dig up. One reason: Owen didn't feature too many big smiles. He was a contented baby, but also very serious. Some might even say surly. He didn't cry or wail very much, but put him in a room full of people and he would sit there with a blank expression on his little mug. If you wanted him to break out in a grin, you had to earn it.

Abby, it is becoming clear, is the opposite. She will sit on your lap, head flicking about the room like an owl, and when she makes eye contact with you immediately break into a smile. 'Hey! It's Daddy! How have you been!' Then back to looking around. Eye contact again. 'Hey! How are things!'

She's also much quicker to become upset, and seems to cry a lot louder and with more enthusiam than Owen could ever muster. She's just expressive with her emotions. Like her mother.

Hopefully she doesn't inherit the same passion for shoes.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Are all babies this cute?

At at little more than two months old, there are few complaints to be made about Abby. She eats well, she sleeps well, and she seems very accepting of her lot in life.

Sometimes you just have to plunk her down on the floor and take care of something else, and she usually just lays there, balling up her little fists and working over an imaginary punching bag that appears to hang just over her chin.

But despite her tendency to grin madly whenever you pay attention to her, I've yet to catch much evidence of this on film. Must make a concerted effort on this, before she ceases to be endlessly entertained by someone who leans over her and says, "Hi, Abby."