Monday, April 02, 2007

Baby steps

When Owen was a wee lad, he followed the usual pattern of first learning to sit up, then crawl, then pull himself up to a standing position, then take tentative steps whilst holding onto furniture.

Then, one day, and I remember this well, he was standing while hanging onto the stair rail and then just let go of the rail and took off like he'd been shot out of a cannon. He didn't walk so much as scurry, and with a constant forward lean that made it look as though he was always fighting against a strong breeze.

Abby has followed all the same steps, but has stalled a little at the walking. She motors around the furniture, and yet for a few unaided steps here and there can't seem to be bothered to walk much. Any day now, though, we expect a full-on scamper, and poor Owen won't know what hit him.

Here's Abby's latest steps. (You may consider turning down the volume, as Sue got a little excited while recording.)



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