Tuesday, November 28, 2006


One thing that Owen has started to learn at school is the art of telling jokes. I say "starting to learn" because he has a long way to go. Right now he likes the idea of telling jokes, and having them told to him, but his sense of comedy is a little, er, underdeveloped.

Consider this joke that Owen proudly told me the other day:

Owen: Dad, do you know why the monkey hit his head on the apartment building?
Me: No, why?
Owen: Because he died. (Then he laughs, heartily.)

He later asked me to tell him a joke, and I admit my material for a four-year-old audience is not so hot.

Me: Why did the chicken cross the road?
Owen (giggles): Why?
Me: To get to the other side!
Owen: Did he look both ways?
Me: Uh, sure.
Owen: So he crossed safely?
Me: Yes. But I think you missed the joke.

Then it's his turn again.

Owen: Why did the dog cross the road?
Me: I don't know. Why?
Owen: He got hit by a truck. (laughs.)
Me: Ah. Of course.
Owen: And he was killed.
Me: OK. Good one.

Perhaps it will play better at Junior Kindergarten.


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