Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Slumber party

Owen is pretty good about going to bed when told. Going to sleep is another matter entirely. He will often spend up to an hour playing in his room, depending on how tired he is. This sometimes means that a tidy room will, by the time he has passed out, appear as though it has been struck by a significant weather event.

In other instances there is method to his madness. He will suddenly be overcome by the need to, for example, line up all of his Hot Wheels cars. So we'll go in to check on him and find that he is sound asleep, and there is a line of 30 wee little cars in the middle of the floor, as though they are awaiting inspection.

And sometimes he will elect to bring certain toys into bed with them. Recently this included all of his Rescue Heroes, and a handful of large vehicles. These are not soft items, and yet he managed to go to sleep next to them.

Notice in the photo that his cats remain out of the fray. And, yes, that is a small tent that is shaped like a cat, is in fact intended for cats, and Owen often treats it like it IS a cat. So it is also in bed with him too.



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